Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

Post Op day 14

Hello. My name is Sarah Doom and these are my most awesome knockers!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Post Op day 10

My days of playing Peggle Nights and Cake Mania 3 in bed are over!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Post op day 7

Warning...Bad hair day

You guys were cheated!

I totally recorded a post-op Day 5 video blog, but must have been too hopped on drugs to remember, so here it is!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

day 6

I frakin' got thrush. Seriously, I have a yeast infection going down my esophagus. Apparently that is the reason why my body still feels so shitty. Well, when life gives you lemons they make sure to squeeze them in the wounds!
Other than that, I'm good. Boobs are big, I feel like I have mono, and I'm in love with Pizza h\Huts mac and cheese with bacon.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day 3

Not as good as yesterday, maybe even worse. Today I started to throw up again. Of course it's because I tried to do too much at first. Woke up from a great night's sleep, in, quite the cheery mood and within the hour I was down for the count. Carly came by today, and unfortunately I was too groggy to really visit. I've been living off these peanut butter mooed shakes from Jamba Juice. Seems to be the best thing for me right now. Lots of protein, and it helps. Other than that, I'm on Season 2 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I wish Brad was going to be here tomorrow, but I know he has to work. I learn breast massage tomorrow, and am not look forward to that pain. Of course Nurse Karen told me to make sure I was fully loaded. Truth be told I'm feeling depressed and a little down in the dumps. See you all soon.


Saturday, September 20, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

No eloquence to be had

im ok i feel like im going to barf everything hurts

the end

Good Morning!

Well, I am less than 2 hours away from operation. I'm definitely a bit nervous, but for the most part I feel good and am ready to go. I'm having a little trouble getting Brad out of bed, but I imagine that once I'm through with this it won't be too hard to get him up and going. Sadly, I didn't get a chance to eat last night (too much running around) and I saved it for the last minute. Low and behold my time had passed. Oh well, it won't kill me. Anyway, wish me luck! Bring on the funbags!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Getting ready

Yesterday Brad and I went on what seemed to be a scavenger hunt! I have all of these lists. Things to buy, things to do! It's keeping me busy. I have to say, it is near impossible to find a 34 D bra. Seriously. We looked at Ross, WalMart and Target, finally finding one at Target. Mind you, I was looking for no underwire and had to settle with just cutting the underwire out of one. I got a comfortable zip up shirt to wear to the surgery and Saturday at the post op appointment, I also went looking for PJs that button down in the front. That was another feat overcome. I ended up finding silky PJs with owls on them in the little girls department and just bought extra large. Its very amusing. To me, at least. So with all of this said and done, going down the list, I have movies, books, my laptop, an audiobook; in other words, plenty to entertain me. Now it's just getting everything ready, cleaning the house super well, doing the laundry, putting in my prescriptions and making a med journal. Its almost like nesting, but instead of having a baby, I'm getting boobs. Yes, that's it, I'm boob nesting! :P

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pre Op appt

Yesterday was my pre-op appt. I have to say I am extremely anxious and quite nervous about the pain. Brad went with me to this appointment to help listen in and just be supportive. He's going to be taking care of me post surgery, so it's probably good that he hears most of this first hand. Of course they drew blood and for those who didn't know, I'm hemophobic. I know, lame. Anyway, I was already nervous and that made it even worse. The took all the Before pictures, we tried on the implants again and I decided to go with 450cc's. They gave me all of my prescriptions so I could fill them before hand. I apparently can no longer get supplements in my smoothies-no more trimbek and powerbek! Bummer. I have no idea how I am going to get through these next ten days. I am totally anxious!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Before and After pictures

So these are what I want my boobs to look like. At least close to this.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Breast History and decision making

I've learned a lot about breast implants over the years, and I'm here to tell you I know all the risks and definitely know what I'm getting into. This is definitely something for me! I'm not going to say my boyfriend won't benefit, that would be silly, but I will tell you that my decision was made based on the way I feel and Brad loves me the way I am regardless of my breast size.
Doctors Appts
I went to two doctors. I know, it doesn't seem like a lot, but the second doctor my wonderful physician Dr. Brett recommended. I was very comfortable with the doctor and his ideas when I met him and knew he would be a solid choice.
Dr. Sanders is charging me $6,900 for my augmentation. I am financing $5,900 and the rest is paid out of pocket. Some of you may remember the boob tree from my birthday! Your contributions were used well! I decided to go with a Dual Plane implant, Silicone, with an under-the-breast incision. I have also decided to go with 425cc's. I know this sounds big, but it really isn't! I tried on several sizes of breasts and these were the best ones for me.

You may wonder why the over abundance of information. I honestly just don't want to get a lot of why's? and how's? This is my story and I'm sticking to it!

Friday, August 29, 2008

This is my boob blog

For those of you who will be reading this:

This is a blog designed especially to document my Breast Augmentation. This is where I will post updates and my experiences. I had thought of putting together a mailing list, but this seemed to be a little more accommodating for the amount of people interested in my well being regarding this particular situation.