Monday, September 1, 2008

Breast History and decision making

I've learned a lot about breast implants over the years, and I'm here to tell you I know all the risks and definitely know what I'm getting into. This is definitely something for me! I'm not going to say my boyfriend won't benefit, that would be silly, but I will tell you that my decision was made based on the way I feel and Brad loves me the way I am regardless of my breast size.
Doctors Appts
I went to two doctors. I know, it doesn't seem like a lot, but the second doctor my wonderful physician Dr. Brett recommended. I was very comfortable with the doctor and his ideas when I met him and knew he would be a solid choice.
Dr. Sanders is charging me $6,900 for my augmentation. I am financing $5,900 and the rest is paid out of pocket. Some of you may remember the boob tree from my birthday! Your contributions were used well! I decided to go with a Dual Plane implant, Silicone, with an under-the-breast incision. I have also decided to go with 425cc's. I know this sounds big, but it really isn't! I tried on several sizes of breasts and these were the best ones for me.

You may wonder why the over abundance of information. I honestly just don't want to get a lot of why's? and how's? This is my story and I'm sticking to it!

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