Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Pre Op appt

Yesterday was my pre-op appt. I have to say I am extremely anxious and quite nervous about the pain. Brad went with me to this appointment to help listen in and just be supportive. He's going to be taking care of me post surgery, so it's probably good that he hears most of this first hand. Of course they drew blood and for those who didn't know, I'm hemophobic. I know, lame. Anyway, I was already nervous and that made it even worse. The took all the Before pictures, we tried on the implants again and I decided to go with 450cc's. They gave me all of my prescriptions so I could fill them before hand. I apparently can no longer get supplements in my smoothies-no more trimbek and powerbek! Bummer. I have no idea how I am going to get through these next ten days. I am totally anxious!


Anonymous said...

Are you going to do like most women when they get their new boobs and wear too-tight ultra cleavage shirts? You need to get one of thos slogan t-shirts that has large letters printed across the breast area that read: "My eyes are up here ^".

Anyway, good luck... I hope you feel better.. pun intended ;)

Christian Mann

Anonymous said...

i'm wishing you a fast and trouble free recovery....
then i wanna see the GIGANTIC BOOBS asap :-) i mean u will be posting some pics for us perverted... err umm... i mean curious folks right????

much love